Gospel Music Foreign and International Gospel Songs Jeremy Camp – We Are The Dreamers

Jeremy Camp – We Are The Dreamers

Download We Are The Dreamers Mp3 by Jeremy Camp

The well-known American contemporary music minister and worship leader, who is the crooner of the song/movie titled I BELIEVE “Jeremy Camp” births out this powerful song titled “We Are The Dreamers“.

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Lyrics: We Are The Dreamers by Jeremy Camp

I have a dream
That the Earth would shake with the sound of Heaven
I have a dream
That the world would know the kind of freedom
That breaks through every chain
With every debt erased
With hearts that are wide awake

We are the dreamers
All things are possible
You are redeemer
You’re working miracles
Let’s rise, rise
Rise to our feet
And proclaim the name of Jesus

I have a dream
That hearts for You would thirst and hunger
I have a dream
We would reach our hands to help our brother
Where perfect love is found
The world would hear the sound
Of hearts that are wide awake

I can see the walls are breaking
The captives running free
We will walk and not be shaken
The doubting will believe

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