Gospel Music Gospel Rap and Hip-Hop Trip Lee – Eyes Open

Trip Lee – Eyes Open

Download Eyes Open Mp3 by Ft. J.R.

The eminent American Christian rapper,ย singer, poet, and author who is signed to Reach Records and has recorded both as a solo artist and as a founding member of theย 116ย Clique โ€œTrip Leeโ€ comes through with a song titled โ€œEyes Openโ€œ featuring J.R.

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Lyrics: Eyes Open by

Since yesterday
Dรผnden beri

A trouble inside me is killing me
ฤฐรงimde bir sฤฑkฤฑntฤฑ yokluyor beni

I understand you burned the ships
Anlฤฑyorum yakmฤฑลŸsฤฑn gemileri

I knew you loved and you were leaving
Seviyordun biliyordum ve gidiyordun

If it’s possible to take everything back
Geri alabilmek mรผmkรผn olsa her ลŸeyi

Wouldn’t I make you believe in love
ฤฐnandฤฑrmaz mฤฑydฤฑm aลŸka seni

Both you and that heart of stone
Hem seni hem o taลŸ kalbini

Do people go when they love so much?
Gider mi insan รงok seviyorken

Now I don’t say stop anyway
ลžimdi dur demem nasฤฑl olsa

One day you will understand me
Bir gรผn anlar beni anlarsฤฑn

Don’t leave me like this with lies
Yalanlarla bฤฑrakma beni bรถyle

Look into my eyes tell the truth
Gรถzlerime bak doฤŸruyu sรถyle

But you’re a coward coward
Ama korkak korkaksฤฑn

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