Download God Lead Us Along Mp3 Hymn by Christianย Hymns
Here’s a beautifulย Hymnย by the well-knownย prolificย hymn writer, as this Hymn has been a blessing to lots of lives since it was brought to the world. The hymn song was performed by Martjin De Groot.
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Lyrics: God Lead Us Alongย (Christian Hymn)
In shady, green pastures so rich and so sweet
God leads His dear children along
Where the water’s cool flow bathes the weary one’s feet
God leads His dear children along
Some through the water, some through the flood
Some through the fire, but all through the blood
And some through great sorrow, but God gives the song
In the night season and all the day long
Sometimes on the mount where the sun shines so bright
God leads His dear children along
Sometimes in the valley, in darkest of night
God leads His dear children along
Though sorrows befall us and Satan oppose
God leads His dear children along
Through grace we can conquer, defeat all our foes
God leads His dear children along
Some through the waters, some through the flood
Some through the fire, but all through the blood
Some through great sorrow, but God gives the song
In the night season and all the day long