Gospel Global Lindy Cofer – Stand In Awe

Lindy Cofer – Stand In Awe

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Here’s a song by the Global prolificย music artistย and talented singer โ€œโ€œ. Thisย songย is titled โ€œStand In Aweโ€ featuring , as it was released alongside its video. You’ll beย blessed as you listen.

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Lyrics: Stand In Awe by

[Verse 1]
Who is like the King
Clothed in suffering
To save me, to save me?
Through Your pain and scars
The world was on Your heart
Completely, completely

So I stand in awe, in wonder
I bow before no other

And behold the Lamb of God
Who takes away the sins of the world, oh-oh-oh-oh-ohh
Behold the coming King
That every eye will see and adore, oh-oh-oh-oh-ohh

[Verse 2]
Seated on the throne
No one can overthrow
Your glory, Your glory
We join with heaven now
With angels, we cry out
And sing holy, You are holy

So I stand in awe, in wonder
Here we are, God
I bow before no other, oh-ohh

And behold the Lamb of God
Who takes away the sins of the world, oh-oh-oh-oh-ohh
And behold the coming King
That every eye will see and adore, oh-oh-oh-oh-ohh
And behold the Lamb of God
Who takes away the sins of the world, oh-oh-oh-oh-ohh
Behold the coming King
That every eye will see and adore, oh-oh-oh-oh-ohh

Jesus, when You stepped onto the scene
It changed everything, it changed everything

And every knee will bow in a great surrender
And all the nations come, crying out together
That Jesus is the Lord, and He reigns forever
Salvation to our God, to our God forever
And every knee will bow in a great surrender
And all the nations come, crying out together
That Jesus is the Lord, and He reigns forever
Salvation to our God, to our God forever

Forever and ever
Oh we pour out our praise to You, Jesus
Who reigns forever and ever
The Lamb of God, the perfect sacrifice, Jesus, hey!

Behold the Lamb of God
Who takes away the sins of the world, oh-oh-oh-oh-ohh
Behold the coming King
That every eye will see and adore, oh-oh-oh-oh-ohh
Behold the Lamb of God
Who takes away the sins of the world, oh-oh-oh-oh-ohh
Behold the coming King
That every eye will see and adore, oh-oh-oh-oh-ohh

And I stand in awe, in wonder, yeah
And I bow before no other
Sing I’ll stand in awe
I stand, yeah, in awe, in wonder
It’s all about You, Jesus, all about You
And I bow before no other

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