Gospel Music Foreign and International Gospel Songs Christy Nockels – Everything Is Mine In You (Mp3 + Lyrics)

Christy Nockels – Everything Is Mine In You (Mp3 + Lyrics)

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The renowned contemporary Christian music minister and song-writer who has won lots of music awards come with a song titled “Everything Is Mine In You“. Christy Nockels is one of the lead members of the band Watermark, along with her husband, Nathan Nockels. This song would bless You.

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Everything Is Mine In You Lyrics by

Everything is mine in You
Even when my heart is breaking
Everything is mine in You
Even when my hands are empty
Everything is mine in You
Oh, in You
Everything is mine in You
I can trust You with my longing
Everything is mine in You
Even though the road is lonely
Everything is mine in You
Oh, in You
‘Cause You are, master over all
And You say, You are my inheritance
And in You, I have everything I need
And You are, seated in the heavenlies
And You say, forever You’re my hiding place
And in You, I have everything I need
Everything is mine in You
And I know my future’s bright
Everything is mine in You
Past or present, death and life
Everything is mine in You
Oh, in You
Against all hope
Help me hope
Against all fear
Draw me near
Against all hope
I will hope
Against all fear
I will draw near
I am drawing near to You, Lord.

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