Gospel Global Christy Nockels – Benediction (Breath Of God)

Christy Nockels – Benediction (Breath Of God)

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Here’s a song by the Global prolificย music artistย and talented singer โ€œโ€œ. Thisย songย is titled โ€œBenediction (Breath Of God)โ€, as it was released alongside its video. You’ll also beย blessed.

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Lyrics: Benediction (Breath Of God) by

Come breath of God
Blow in from the four winds
Rise up from the North and the South
Sweep in from the East and the West

This is the hour, hear our cry
Oh come breathe what’s dead back to life
There’s work here that only You can do
So God hear our prayer breaking through

Come, breath of God
Come, breath of God

More than the comforts of earth
God, we say that we need You
More than the outcomes, the answers
We say that we trust You
More than the fame of this world
God, we say that we love you

And we long to find favor in Your eyes
Oh Spirit, don’t pass us by

Come breath of God
Blow in from the four winds
Rise up from the North and the South
Sweep in from the East and the West

‘Cause somehow our eyes have grown dim
And we long for Your vibrance again
And we fear that our love will grow cold
So come set a fire in our bones

Come, breath of God
Come, breath of God
Sweep in, breathe on us
Come, breath of God
Sweep in, breathe on us
Come, breath of God

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