Gospel Global Sibylle Baier – I Lost Something in the Hills

Sibylle Baier – I Lost Something in the Hills

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Here’s a song by the Global prolificย music artisteย and talented singer โ€œโ€œ. Thisย songย is titled โ€œI Lost Something in the Hillsโ€, as it was released alongside its video. You’ll enjoy as you listen.

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Lyrics: I Lost Something in the Hills by

Everytime I shed tears
In the last past years
When I pass through the hills

Oh, what images return
Oh, I yearn
For the roots of the woods
That origin of all my strong and strange moods

I lost something in the hills
I lost something in the hills

I grew up in declivities
Others grow up in cities
Where first love and soul takes rise

There were times in my life
When I felt mad and deprived
And only the slopes gave me hope

When I pass through the leg high grass, I shall die
Under the jasmine, I shall die
In the elder tree
I need not try to prepare for a new coming day
Where is it that fills the deepness I feel?

You will say I’m not Robin the Hood
But how could I hide from top to foot

That I lost something in the hills
I lost something in the hills
Oh, I lost something in the hills

Now I lean on my windowsill
And I cry, though it’s silly
And I’m dreaming of off and away

Oh, I know farther west, these hills exist
Marked by apple trees
Marked by a straight brook
That leads me wherever I want it to

Well I lost something in the hills
I lost something in the hills

Oh, I lost something in the hills

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