Gospel Global E-Daniels – Wye Wye

E-Daniels – Wye Wye

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A soul-lifting song performed by the African Christian/Gospel worshipper, minister, and song writer โ€œEmmanuel Danielโ€œ, as this one is titled โ€œWye Wyeโ€. This song is sure to bless your heart and uplift your spirit.

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Lyrics: Wye Wye by

Verse 1
There’s no love greater than this
Than the love you showed to me
On the way to the cross
Me la myi ga ho
(I give myself to you)

Wo bo fyi ntu mu bo nu
(He died just because of me)
Wo bo fyi ntu mu bo nu
(He died just because of me)
Za do to lon, shasun wa myi wa fyi ntu mu bon’
(there is no one else who could have died for me)

Me la myi ga hoโ€ฆX3
(I give myself to you)
Oho nu n wye wye gami
(It is you that has given me life)

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