Gospel Global Red Rocks Worship – Good Plans/Doxology

Red Rocks Worship – Good Plans/Doxology

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Here’s a breakthrough performance of a song originally by theย Elevation Worshipย team themselves. This song is titled โ€œGood Plans/Doxologyโ€œ and performed by the โ€œRED ROCK WORSHIPโ€œ. You’ll be blessed.

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Lyrics: Good Plans/Doxology by Red Rock Worship

Praise God from whom all blessings flow
Praise Him, all creatures here below
Praise Him above, ye heavenly host
Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost
Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost

The Lord is my shepherd
And He is everything I need
So, I will not worry
I will not fear the enemy
He said that He loves me
He said that He’s with me even though
I walk through the valley
Of shadow and death and still I know

He has good plans
He has good plans for me
So, I will take heart
In deserts and gardens

He has good plans
He has good plans for me
If I know my Father
I know my Father
Has good plans

So praise the Father
Praise the Son
and Holy Ghost

The Lord, is my Savior
So why should I doubt my victory
Why would I question?
The rod and the staff that comforts me
He quiets the waters
He quiets the storm inside of me
So, what could be better
Than walking with Him when I believe

Oh, oh oh oh
We submit to Your plans
We submit to Your plans

Your goodness
And mercy
Will follow after me
So, fear will not find me
โ€˜Cause I’ll be dwelling in the house of God

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