Top Christian Songs Church of the City – Send Me

Church of the City – Send Me

Church of the City Send Me feat Chris McClarney

Download Send Me Mp3 by feat.

The family church “comes again with the amazing song “Send Me” featuring . The community church who also has an agenda to bring the gospel to the world.

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Lyrics: Send Me by

Open these eyes
To see them like You do
Teach this heart
To love like You

Open these hands
To heal the way You do More than words
Let my life speak truth

To the orphan child (Send me send me)
To the outsider (Send me send me)
To the one in need (Send me send me)
To the least of these (Send me send me)

Open these ears
To hear the Father’s cry
Take up my cross
And lay down my life

Open church doors
And let the streets resound
With songs of hope
As we go out

You said,
โ€œWhat you’ve done for these, you have done for meโ€

Chorus 2
You’re the orphan child
You’re the outsider
You’re the one in need
You’re the least of these

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