Gospel Global Acapeldridge – Jesus Paid It All

Acapeldridge – Jesus Paid It All

Acapeldridge Jesus Paid It All

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Here’s a song by the one-man gospel quartet dedicated to the preservation of classic, a cappella hymns โ€œโ€œ. Thisย songย is titled โ€œJesus Paid It Allโ€, as it was released alongside its video. You’ll beย blessed as you listen.

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Lyrics: Jesus Paid It All by

1 Gone is all my debt of sin,
A great change is wrought within,
And to live I now begin,
Risen from the fall;
Yet the debt I did not payโ€”
Someone died for me one day,
Sweeping all the debt awayโ€”
Jesus paid it all.

Jesus died and paid it all, yes,
On the cross of Calvary, Oh
And my stony heart was melted
At His dying, dying call;
Oh, His heart in shame was broken
On the tree for you and me, yes,
And the debt, the debt is canceled,
Jesus paid it, paid it all.

2 Oh, I hope to please Him now,
Light of joy is on my brow,
As at His dear feet I bow,
Safe within His love.
Making His the debt I owed,
Freedom true He has bestowed;
So I’m singing on the road
To my home above. [Refrain]

3 Sinner, not for me alone
Did the Son of God atone;
Your debt, too, He made His own,
On the cruel tree.
Come to Him with all your sin;
Be as white as snow within;
Full salvation you may win
And rejoice with me. [Refrain]

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