Download Evermore Mp3 by Ada Afy Unigwe
Here’s a song from the fast-rising Gospel Music artist Ada Afy Unigwe as She brings to us this hot blazing song, she calls this one “Evermore“
This song is a song of inspiration that as well talks about how great and mighty GOD is.
She also talks about what inspired Her to write and make this song;
“During a particular season in my life when I had different challenges I kept hearing the Holy Spirit say praise like you have never praised, dance like you have never danced, rejoice like only you have a party going on, it does not matter who is not dancing with you, just rejoice child for the victory is sure no matter what you see. And keep speaking the word.”
The song “Evermore” is from her recently released album titled “The Amazing Lord”, as it is an album of 10 tracks.
The album is available for download and streaming on all digital outlets out there.