Download Gallant Mp3 by Ada Ehi Ft. Dena Mwana
The Nigerian renowned Christian Music worshipper, praiser, and songwriter from the Love World group of Christ Embassy “ADA EHI” who is also super talented with her vocals brings to us a song titled “Gallant“.
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If You’re a lover of good and great Gospel/Christian music, be it Afro Gospel or contemporary tune, then this song “Gallant” is a beautiful song that should lift your soul.
The song “Gallant” is a melody and tune that was written due to inspiration by the Holy Ghost, as this song was made to bless lives and build your faith in Christ the Lord. The beautiful lyrics, vocals, energy, and inspiration used in birthing this song will thrill you.
Lyrics: Gallant by Ada Ehi
Oweh oweh oweh oweh oweh
Oweh oweh oweh oweh oweh
Oweh oweh oweh oweh oweh
Oweh oweh oweh oweh oweh
Born of God you say say
You say oweh oweh oweh oweh
Oweh oweh oweh
Gallant o, till He returns
For I know whom I’ve believed
And I know HE’s more than able to
Keep me from falling
Preserve me in victory
For I know whom I’ve believed
And I know HE’s more than able to
Keep me from falling
Preserve me in victory
Unmoveable unshakable
Are those who put their trust in the Lord
For we know whom we have believed
So here in HIS power we stand Gallant
Here in HIS power we stand eh Gallant
We Gallant oh, Till HE returns
Here in HIS might we stand Galant
We bouncing in Grace alone Gallant woohh
We Gallant oh, hey hey hey Till HE returns
By HIS Grace we’ve come this far Gallant
By HIS Grace we go all the way Gallant
Gallant oh oh oh oh oh, Till HE returns
We are standing Gallant ah ha Gallant
By HIS Glory gali gagali gali gagali Gallant oh oh oh oh
Till HE returns
For I know
Repeat Verse
Here in HIS might and HIS strength alone Gallant
For HIS praise and HIS name HIS Glo o ory
Gallant oh oh oh oh, Till HE returns
HIS Church remains Gallant
We Gallant we Gallant we Gallant
We Gallant we Gallant we Gallant
Till HE returns
Oweh oweh oweh oweh oweh
Oweh oweh oweh oweh oweh
Oweh oweh oweh oweh oweh
Oweh oweh oweh oweh oweh
Born of GOD you say say
You say say you say say
You say say you say say
Oweh oweh
Gallant o, till HE returns
Here in HIS Victory
We stand
And we remain
In Victory In Victory
We stand
this is song is so beautifully 🔊🎵
I’m hearing this for the first time and I’m in love already