Top Christian Songs Alessandro Vilas Boas – Ora Vem (Maranata)

Alessandro Vilas Boas – Ora Vem (Maranata)

Alessandro Vilas Boas Ora Vem Maranata

Download Ora Vem (Maranata) Mp3 by

Here’s a song by the Brazillian prolificย music artistย and talented singer โ€œโ€œ. Thisย songย is titled โ€œOra Vem (Maranata)โ€, as it was released alongside its video below. You’ll also beย blessed.

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Lyrics: Ora Vem (Maranata) by

Teu grande amor
ร‰ o que eu preciso, pra viver!

Porque Tu รฉs Santo e amigo
ร‰s o melhor Rei que existe

Porque Tu รฉs manso e humilde
ร‰s o melhor Rei que existe

MARANATA Ora vem, Senhor Jesus!


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