Gospel Global Andile KaMajola – Ndiyakuthi Ndakudinwa

Andile KaMajola – Ndiyakuthi Ndakudinwa

Andile KaMajola Ndiyakuthi Ndakudinwa

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A soul-lifting song from the African Christian/Gospel worshipper, minister, and song writer โ€œโ€œ, as He calls this song โ€œNdiyakuthi Ndakudinwaโ€. This song is sure to bless your heart and uplift your spirit.

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Lyrics: Ndiyakuthi Ndakudinwa by

Ndiyakuthi ndakudinwa (When I am weary)
Akuphel’ amandl’ omzimba (When strength leaves my body)

Ndiphakamis’izandla (I lift my hands to You)
Ndiwacele kuw’amandla (And ask You to give me strength)

Yesu Langa lomphefumlo (Jesus, the Light of our soul)
Akumnyama xa ukhoyo (There is no darkness in Your presence)

Makungabikho’ nay’ into (There is nothing)
Enendohlula nawe (That can separates us from You)

Thixo akunangqaleko (God You have no beginning)
Thixo akunangqibeko (God You have no end)

Ukho endaweni zonke (You are present at all places)
Ukho ngama xesha onke (You are present at all times)

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