Top Christian Songs Beatrice Mwaipaja – Tutafika Salama

Beatrice Mwaipaja – Tutafika Salama

Beatrice Mwaipaja Tutafika Salama

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The renowned African Christian music minister, praiser, and worship leader whose songs have blessed lives “” birth out a song of praise worship which she titles “Tutafika Salama“.

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Lyrics: Tutafika Salama by

Jana tulilala njaa (Yesterday we slept hungry)
Usiku ulikuwa wa taabu (The night was troubled)
Pamoja na mateso yote (With all the suffering)
Asubuhi ilifika (Morning came)
Tukashukuru Mungu (We thanked God)

Jana tulilala njaa (Yesterday we slept hungry)
Usiku ulikuwa wa taabu nyingi (The night was full of trouble)
Pamoja na mateso yote (With all the suffering)
Asubuhi ilifika (Morning came)
Tukashukuru Mungu (We thanked God)

Umetushika mkono Mungu (You’ve held our hand God)
Umetupigania Mungu (You’ve fought for us God)
Pamoja na yale (Together with)
Magumu yote (All the difficulties)
Tulikuwa washinde (We were defeated)

Hatuna mashaka na kesho (We’re not worried about tomorrow)
Sina mashaka na niendako (I’m not skeptical about my destination)
Aliyenivusha jana akanifikisha leo (He saw me through yesterday and let me see today)
Atanifikisha kesho (He’ll see me through tomorrow)

Mna deni kuona Mungu (I have a debt to see God)
Mna deni kuona Mungu (I have a debt to see God)
Safari yangu iko na Mungu (My journey is with God)
Itafika salama (I’ll arrive safely)

Ninajua niliko (I know where I am)
Nakumbuka nilikotoka (I remember where I came from)
Kule ninakokwenda (Where I’m going)
Ni Mungu mwenyewe atanifikisha (It’s God himself who’ll bring me)

Tunakumbuka jana (We remember yesterday)
Kwa nini tukumbuke jana (Why remember yesterday)
Jana inatukumbusha (Yesterday reminds us)
Kule Mungu alikotutoa (Where God delivered us from)

Mpendwa usisahau (Dear friend don’t forget)
Mungu alikotutoa (God delivered us)
Usisahau fadhili za Mungu (Don’t forget God’s kindness)
Katika maisha yetu (In our lives)

Ebu ikumbuke jana (Let’s remember yesterday)
Kumbuka Mungu alipotutoa (Remember where God delivered us from)
Basi hakika utakuwa na uhakika (Then you’ll certainly be sure)
Wa kule tunapokwenda (Of our destination)

Ukisahau jana (If you forget yesterday)
Huwezi kupata ujasiri (You can’t get the bravery)
Wa kujikaza katika magumu (To persist in the difficulties)
Unayopitia (You’re going through)

Tunakumbuka jana (We remember yesterday)
Tulipovushwa na mengi (When we went through a lot)
Hata leo najitia moyo (Even today I’ve the courage)
Wa kusonga mbele (To go on)

Nenda nasi Mungu (Go with us God)
Nenda nasi Mungu (Go with us God)
Tukiwa na Mungu, tukiwa na Mungu (With God, with God)
Hatuwezi potea (We can’t go astray)

Tutafika salama (We’ll arrive safely)
Tutafika salama (We’ll arrive safely)
Pale Mungu, kule Mungu (Where God, where God)
Anapotaka tuwepo (Want us to be)

Tutafika salama (We’ll arrive safely)
Tutafika salama (We’ll arrive safely)
Kwa msaada wa Mungu (With the help of God)
Tutafika salama (We’ll arrive safely)

Tutafika salama (We’ll arrive safely)
Tutafika salama (We’ll arrive safely)
Kwa msaada wa Mungu (With the help of God)
(Uh wa Mungu) (Oh of God)
Tutafika salama (We’ll arrive safely)

Tutafika salama (We’ll arrive safely)
Tutafika salama (We’ll arrive safely)
Kwa msaada wa Mungu (With the help of God)
(Uh wa Mungu) (Oh of God)
Tutafika salama (We’ll arrive safely)

Tutafika salama (We’ll arrive safely)
Tutafika salama (We’ll arrive safely)
Kwa msaada wa Mungu (With the help of God)
(Uh wa Mungu) (Oh of God)
Tutafika salama (We’ll arrive safely)

Kiongozi mwema Mungu (Our good leader God)
Hawezi kutuacha njiani (You can’t abandon us on the way)
Mpendwa usihofu tuko na Mungu (Dear friend don’t worry we’re with God)
Tutafika salama (We’ll arrive safely)

Usiogope (Don’t be afraid)
Usiogope (Don’t be afraid)
Tukumbuke safari ya kutoka Misri (Let’s remember the journey from Egypt)
Mungu alitufikisha (God brought us)

Alitushika mkono (He held our hands)
Alitutia nguvu (He strengthened us)
Jeshi la Pharaoh lilipotufuata (When Pharaoh’s army followed us)
Liliteketea (They were eliminated)

Hata leo hii (Even today)
Hao maadui unaowaona (The enemies you see)
Mnadiri tuko na Mungu (Provided we’re with God)
Atatushika mkono (He’ll hold our hand)

Atatupigania (He’ll fight for us)
Atatutetea (He’ll defend us)
Pamoja na magumu yote, yote (With all the difficulties, all)
Tutakuwa washindi (We’ll be winners)

Atatufikisha (He’ll deliver us)
Wala usirudi nyuma (Don’t retreat)
Usikubali kukatishwa tama (Don’t let disappointment overwhelm you)
Mpaka tufike ng’ambo (Until we get across)

Maana ng’ambo ni karibu (For across is nearby)
Maana ng’ambo ni karibu (For across is nearby)
Kwenye kusudi la Mungu kwangu (In God’s will)
Ni karibu (It’s close)

Bado tu kidogo (It’s just a bit)
Sijarudi nyuma (I’ll not retreat)
Usijerudi nyuma (don’t retreat)
Ushafika pale (You’ve already arrived where)
Mungu anapotaka twende (God want us to go)

Tutafika salama (We’ll arrive safely)
Tutafika salama (We’ll arrive safely)
Pale Mungu, kule Mungu (Where God, where God)
Anapotaka tuwepo (Want us to be)

Tutafika salama (We’ll arrive safely)
Tutafika salama (We’ll arrive safely)
Kwa msaada wa Mungu (With the help of God)
Tutafika salama (We’ll arrive safely)

Tutafika salama (We’ll arrive safely)
Tutafika salama (We’ll arrive safely)
Kwa msaada wa Mungu (With the help of God)
(Uh wa Mungu) (Oh of God)
Tutafika salama (We’ll arrive safely)

Tutafika salama (We’ll arrive safely)
Tutafika salama (We’ll arrive safely)
Kwa msaada wa Mungu (With the help of God)
(Uh wa Mungu) (Oh of God)
Tutafika salama (We’ll arrive safely)


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