Download Proud Mp3 by Ben Fuller
Here’s a song by the Global prolific music artist and talented singer “Ben Fuller“ . This song is titled “Proud”, as it was released alongside its video. You’ll also be blessed.
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Lyrics: Proud by Ben Fuller
He never hit me with his fists
But he did some damage with his words
my old man didn’t know no better
Just passed down what he thought worked
I tried and tried to break his pride
And be the apple of his eye
And maybe I was loved
but he never let me know I was
Making my father proud
Looks a whole lot different now
Ain’t about, the man, that I call dad
Who I could never figure out
It’s about knowin’ who’s son I really am
And knowin’ he’s my biggest fan
It’s a kind a love that makes my world revolve around
Making my father proud
(That’s what life’s about)
Gotta a Long road of live and learns
in the rear view of my life
But Somewhere in the crash and burns
And those wrong turns I saw the light
He kissed my face, I felt his Grace
He said my child you found your place
I fell down on my knees
I looked up and I could see
Me and my old man, finally settled old scores
Cause pleasin this world just don’t matter no more
Now all I’m livin for