Download Oh How I Love Him Mp3 by Benjamin Dube
A song of blessing by the well-known South Africa’s gospel music minister & songwriter BENJAMIN DUBE as he performs a prolific song and calls this one “Oh How I Love Him”. Let this song be a blessing to you today.
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Lyrics: Oh How I Love Him by Benjamin Dube
Oh! How I love Him
Oh, He cares!
Oh, How I love Him
Because He first loved me (Repeat)
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UnguJehova wena (You are the Lord)
Isiphephelo sam’ nguwe (You are my shield)
Ungumelusi wam’ wena, (You are my Shepherd)
Ukuthula kwam’ nguwe (You are my peace)
Ungumthokozisi wena (You are the bringer of all joy)
Ukuphila kwam’ nguwe (My life belongs to you)
Ungenzel’okuhle wena (You do great things) (Njalo, Njalo) (Always)
El Shaddai Adonnai nguwe (You are God Almighty, our Lord)
I just held back my tears when I heard that part
“Oh I how I love Him”