Download Yekirbe Mp3 by Bereket Tesfaye
The Ethiopian gospel songwriter and producer Bereket Tesfaye presents to us a compelling song, as this masterpiece is titled “Yekirbe“. This track, released in 2024 , is a captivating and inspirational addition to any music enthusiast’s collection. The tune “Yekirbe” carries a powerful message and a mesmerising melody, making it a must-listen for all. Feel free to stream the mp3, watch the video, and sing along to the heartfelt lyrics.
Get the MP3 audio, download, stream, and share this amazing song with your friends and family. When you share it, you’re spreading the goodness and joy of the song. #CeeNaija
Download More BEREKET TESFAYE Songs Here
Lyrics: Yekirbe by Bereket Tesfaye
It was enough for me to get out of hell
ከሲዖል መውጣቴ ይበቃኝ ነበረ
His love did not end there
በዚያ አላበቃም ፍቅሩ ጨመረ
I was not alone
ቀረበኝ አልሆንኩም ብቸኛ
God is like a friend
አምላኬ ልክ እንደ ጓደኛ
The greatness without limiting it
ሳይዘው ሳይገድበው ትልቅነቱ
Jesus is with me
አብሮኝ ነው ኢየሱስ ትሁቱ
I’m close to you
የቅርቤ ልበልህ የቅርቤ
I’m close to you
የቅርቤ ልበልህ የቅርቤ
Closer than my breath
ከእስትንፋሴ ይልቅ የቅርቤ
I’m close to you
የቅርቤ ልበልህ የቅርቤ
You are closer to me than my breath
ከእስትንፋሴ ይልቅ ይልቅ የቅርቤ ነህ
When I lost you when I was hungry for your face
ፊትህን ተርቤ መቼ መቼ አጣሁህ
I don’t know if I’m breathing or not
የሆድ የውስጤን ታውቀው የለም ወይ ሳልተነፍስ
Dear Jesus
ውዴ ኢየሱስ
People know me
ሰው ሚያውቀው ጉብዝናዬን
When did he see my secret?
መቼ አየ ገመናዬን
You covered my shortcomings
ሸፍነኸው ጉድለቴን
But what is seen is fullness
ሚታየው ግን ሙላቴ
I’m close to you
የቅርቤ ልበልህ የቅርቤ
I’m close to you
የቅርቤ ልበልህ የቅርቤ
Closer than my breath
ከእስትንፋሴ ይልቅ የቅርቤ
I’m close to you
የቅርቤ ልበልህ የቅርቤ
I turned around and saw my way back
ዞር ብዬ ወደ ኋላ መንገዴን ሳይ
Don’t see my coat but yours
የአንተ እንጂ የእኔ ኮቴ አይታይ
I’m going to go out
አባጣ ጎርባጣውን እኔ መውጣቴ
Take me like my mother
ይዘኸኝ ልክ እንደ እናቴ
If I hurt you, I’m tired
ምንም ባሳዝንህ በድካሜ
Be patient and stop me
ታግሰህ አቆምከኝ መድህኔ
People know me
ሰው ሚያውቀው ጉብዝናዬን
When did he see my secret?
መቼ አየ ገመናዬን
You covered my shortcomings
ሸፍነኸው ጉድለቴን
But what is seen is fullness
ሚታየው ግን ሙላቴ
Between people or alone
በሰዎች መሐል ወይም ለብቻዬ
He is with me, sir
ድምፁን ያሰማኛል አብሮኝ ነው ጌታዬ
He said to me, go here, go there
በዚህ ሂድ በዚያ ሂድ እያለኝ
I passed the enemy
ጠላት የማሰውን አለፍኩኝ
God advised me
አምላኬ የመከረኝን
I heard it and passed
ሰምቼው አለፍኩኝ ስንቱን
I’m close to you
የቅርቤ ልበልህ የቅርቤ
I’m close to you
የቅርቤ ልበልህ የቅርቤ
Closer than my breath
ከእስትንፋሴ ይልቅ የቅርቤ
I’m close to you
የቅርቤ ልበልህ የቅርቤ
People know me
ሰው ሚያውቀው ጉብዝናዬን
When did he see my secret?
መቼ አየ ገመናዬን
You covered my shortcomings
ሸፍነኸው ጉድለቴን
But what is seen is fullness
ሚታየው ግን ሙላቴ
I’m close to you
የቅርቤ ልበልህ የቅርቤ
I’m close to you
የቅርቤ ልበልህ የቅርቤ
Closer than my breath
ከእስትንፋሴ ይልቅ የቅርቤ
I’m close to you
የቅርቤ ልበልህ የቅርቤ