Gospel Music Foreign and International Gospel Songs Bethel Music & Hunter Thompson – Christ is Risen

Bethel Music & Hunter Thompson – Christ is Risen

Bethel Music Hunter Thompson Christ is Risen

Download Christ is Risen Mp3 byย Bethel Music Ft.

The well-known renownedย gospel musicย team from Redding, California โ€œBethel Musicโ€ย comes through with a live songย performance titledย โ€œChrist is Risenโ€ featuring ,ย Vocals byย theย Bethel Churchย team.

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Lyrics: Christ is Risen byย Bethel Music

Amazing grace, how sweet the sound
That saved a wretch like me
I once was lost but now I’m found
Was blind but now I see

Christ is risen from the grave
Christ is risen from the grave

The prodigal is welcomed home
The sinner now a saint
For the God who died came back to life
And everything is changed

Christ is risen from the grave
Christ is risen from the grave

O death, where is your sting?
O fear, where is your power?
The mighty King of kings has disarmed you
Delivered and redeemed
Eternal life is ours
O praise His name forever

Christ is risen from the grave
Christ is risen from the grave
And all throughout eternity
Our song will be the same
Christ is risen from the grave

And on the day You call me in
To heaven’s sweet embrace
I’ll see Your scars, Your open arms
The beauty of Your face
And through tears of joy, I’ll lift my voice
In everlasting praise
Christ is risen from the grave

O death, where is your sting?
O fear, where is your power?
The mighty King of kings has disarmed you
Delivered and redeemed
Eternal life is ours
O praise His name forever

Christ is risen from the grave
Christ is risen from the grave
And all throughout eternity
Our song will be the same
Sing hallelujah
Christ is risen from the grave

Christ is risen from the grave
Christ is risen from the grave
And all throughout eternity
Our song will be the same
Sing hallelujah
Christ is risen from the grave

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