Universal Gospel Bethel Revival Choir – Agbadza Gospel Medley II

Bethel Revival Choir – Agbadza Gospel Medley II

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The Ghanaian contemporary gospel choir , comes through with a song called “Agbadza Gospel Medley II“, and was released in 2024. This amazing and inspiring track is a must listen for any music lover. With its message and captivating melody, “Agbadza Gospel Medley II” is an addition to any playlist. Whether you want to download the mp3 watch the video or sing along with the lyrics, “Agbadza Gospel Medley II” is undeniably a song that will deeply touch the hearts of everyone who encounters it.

Get the MP3 audio, download, stream, and share this amazing song with your friends and family. When you share it, you’re spreading the goodness and joy of the song. #CeeNaija


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Lyrics: Agbadza Gospel Medley II by

Mebe gede woe woyo gake ameviadewo ko wotia
I say many are called but only few people are chosen
Dzifo fiadufe a enye do ga de wo dae
Heaven’s kingdom is likened to a big fishing net cast,
Do ya dze go lo do to ya le todonu tsiam le me
Once the net is dragged ashore The Owner is making his choice
Mefonu gbloe lododo,
I speak in the parable,
norvinye wo mefonu gbloe lododo,
brethren, I speak in the parable..
nukuwula yina nuku wuge
the sower went out to sow seed.
Ede wo ge dze moto loo
Some fell along the pathway
dzifo xeviwo fo wo mi ken
the birds of the air ate them up
Ede wo ge dze kpe nyigba dzia
Some fell on the rocky place,
ekemanonyi wo do nu da vlovlo gake
lacking soil, and they sprouted
deko woyro ken
but they withered
Esi wo ge dze anyigba nyui dzia
Those that fell on the good ground
woa woe nye amesi wo ho nya kple dzi.
are likened to those who received the word in their heart.
Enya la gede me woa
The word took root,
woe gale tsetse ge tsa lofa
they shall bear fruit a hundred-fold.
Repeat 1-3 sentences
Hododiooo, hooooooooo
(A Rallying Call, … response.)

Call & Response
Enya dze go ekekevor
The word is made bare….. ”about to go down” 2x
Tsatsaklitsa abosam eyi to
“Tsatsaklitsa” satan is going down
Mekae yige yesue yige
Who is going (up) Jesus is going “up”
Mekae yi to abosam yi to
Who is going down Satan is going down.

Hododiooo, …. hooooooooo
(A Rallying Call, … response.)

Mie nya sema? Ekekevor la
Are you listening? Its about to go down

Song 1
Yesue meho e agbemo newu nam a mayi Mawu gbo 4x
JESUS is The One I’ve accepted, Let the Way of Life open up for me to get to GOD4x
NEHO – Let it move
Ne me do nku nuyi wo Yesu wo nam dzi la, mebe magblo ne be akpe
(I say,) When I recall the things JESUS has done for me, I can only say to HIM, THANKS
Eyodom, (Kporda kporda kporda)
He healed me (See, see, see)
eku de ta nye, (Kporda kporda kporda)
He died for me (See, see, see)
ehom de agbe, (Kporda kporda kporda)
He saved me (See, see, see)
ablorde gbadza
it’s liberty unlimited

Ekawo nedi
Let the strings play

Migede toa me
Get on the dance floor…


Song 2
Hoooo! satana hooo! 2x
Shame! satan, shame! 2x
Agbotsu ga ma nye me ga le ewuge na wo
That big ram, I will no longer sacrifice to you!
satana fiafitor,
satan the thief
satana alakpator,
satan the liar,
satana ameblela,
satan the deceiver
satana amewula,
satan the killer

mie le nudzor, ahoi
Are you ready? Lets go…
Mi gbidi
Crush him!
mi nyame
Trample him!
Mebe, mitu afo dzi
I say, stomp him!
mebe mikake …. vlaya vlaya vlaya
I say, break him, …..to pieces
Satana mevo o la
Satan is in trouble..
Magble ne ake
I’ll say it again….

Miseda la

Song 3
Yesu yi atitsoganu amewo be evor
Jesus went onto the Cross, people said all was lost 2x
Hooooo ahoo ahoooo 2x
Hail Him, Hail Him 2x

Yesu du ku dzi nami looo
Jesus conquered death for us all
Xosetowo miva se lo
Believers you (all) come and hear
Yesu du ku dzi
Jesus conquered death
Kristotowo miva se loo
Christians you (all) come and hear
Yesu du ku dzi
Jesus conquered death
Hododioooo hooooooo


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