Gospel Global Bethel Revival Choir – Ewe Bongo Worship

Bethel Revival Choir – Ewe Bongo Worship

Download Ewe Bongo Worship Mp3 by Bethel Revival Choir Ft.

Here’s a praise song from the Ghanian Gospel Music ministers and great worshippers as they birth out a soul-lifting song and titled this tune โ€œEwe Bongo Worshipโ€ featuring . This song is sure to bless your heart and uplift your spirit.

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Lyrics: Ewe Bongo Worship by Bethel Revival Choir

Klo sia klo adze na wo
(Every knee shall bow to you)
Aษ–e sia de aส‹u me agblษ” be
(Every tongue shall confess and say)
Oo Aฦ’etษ” Yehowa Woe nye Fia gรฃ lo
(Oh Lord Jehovah, You are a great King indeed)

Oo Yehowa eee, Woe nye Fia gรฃ lo
(Oh Jehovah, you are a great King indeed)
Oo Aฦ’etษ” Yehowa, Woe nye Fia gรฃ lo
(Oh Lord Jehovah, you are a great King indeed)

  1. ษ–eษ–i metea ‘ล‹u o
    (He never gets tired)

Mia ฦ’e Mawu ya, ษ–eษ–i me tea ล‹uwo
(Our God never gets tired)

  1. Va ne magblษ”e na wo
    (Come, let me tell you)
    Nu si Yesu wษ” nam la
    (What Jesus has done for me)

Eyษ” dษ” nam, ena mevo
(He has healed me and made me whole)
Nษ”vi va ne magblษ”e na wo
(Beloved, come, let me tell you)
Nu si Yesu wษ” nam la
(What Jesus has done for me)

Mawu ana nya nawu ‘nu
(God will let it all end)

Ale si wรฒanyo na wรฒe
(In your favor)

Dzika megatso ฦ’owรฒ o
(Be anxious for nothing)
Ne รจle Yesu gbษ” ko
(Once you are on Jesus’ side)

Mawu ana nyaa nawu ‘nu
(God will let it all end)
Alesi wรฒanyo na wรฒe
(In your favor)

ฦ‰ela ฦ’e abษ” le dzi
(The Lord’s hand is up)
Bษ› yeaxษ” na wo
(To deliver you)

ฦ‰ela ฦ’e abษ” wo le dzi
(The Lord’s hand is up)
Bษ› yeaxษ” na wo
(To deliver you)

Ame siwo ga le avi fa
(Those who are still crying)
ฦ‰ela ฦ’e abษ” le dzi
(The Lord’s hand is up)
Bษ› yeaxษ” na wo
(To deliver you)

Ame siwo ga le konyi fam
(Those who are still mourning)
ฦ‰ela ฦ’e abษ” le dzi
(The Lord’s hand is up)
Bษ› yeaxษ” na wo
(To deliver you)

Ame siwo ga le avi fa
(Those who are still crying)
ฦ‰ela ฦ’e abษ” le dzi
(The Lord’s hand is up)
Bษ› yeaxษ” na wo
(To deliver you)


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