Gospel Global Betusile – Kuphelele

Betusile – Kuphelele

Download Kuphelele Mp3 by Ft. Dumi Mkokstad

A soul-lifting song from the African Christian/Gospel worshipper, minister, and song writer ““, as He calls this song “Kuphelele” featuring Dumi Mkokstad. This song is sure to bless your heart and uplift your spirit.

Download Audio Mp3, Stream, Share, and be blessed



Lyrics: Kuphelele by

Kuphelele Konke Kufeziwe, Yena Washu UJeso Eselele Emthini.
Wathi Kuphelele, Kuphelele, Kwase Kufeziwe, ohhh Kufeziwe
Washu UJeso, Washu UJesu Eselele Emthini.
Kuphelele, Kuphelele, Kwase Kufeziwe, ohhh Kufeziwe, Washu UJesu,
Washu UJesu Eselele Emthini
Babethi Banqobile
Babethi Bagqibile
Kodwa Babengazi Ukuthi Kufeziwe.
Kwakufanele Ke Liphalale Igazi Lakhe
Ukuze Sinqobe, Sinqobe Ukufa.
Kwakufanele Liphalale Igazi Lakhe
Ukuze Sinqobe, Sinqobe Ukufa
Bethusile & Dumi
Konke Kuphelele, Kuphelele, Kwase ku Feziwe, ohhh Kufeziwe, Washu UJesu, Washu UJesu, Eselele Emthini.
Kuphelele, Wathi Kuphelele, Kuphelele Kwase Kufeziwe, Kufeziwe Washu UJesu, Washu UJesu Eselele Emthini
Bethusile & Dumi
KUphelele, Konke Kuphelele, Kuphelele, Kwase Kufeziwe, ohhh Kufeziwe Washu UJesu, Washu UJesu Eselele Emthini.
Bethusile & Dumi
KUphelele Wathi Kuphelele, Kuphelele, Kwase Kufeziwe, ohhh Kufeziwe Washu UJesu, Washu UJesu Eselele Emthini, Kuphelele, Kuphelele, Kuphelele, Kwase Kufeziwe, ohhh KuFeziwe, Washu UJesu, Washu UJesu Eselele Emthini.
Bethusile & Dumi
Kufeziwe, Kufeziwe, Kufeziwe, ohhh Kufeziwe, Washu UJesu, Washu UJesu Eselele Emthini, Kufeziwe, Kufeziwe, Kufeziwe, Kuphelele, ohhh Kufeziwe Washu UJesu, Washu UJesu Eselele Emthini.


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