Christian HYMNS Breathe On Me Breathe On God (Mp3 & Lyrics) – Hymn

Breathe On Me Breathe On God (Mp3 & Lyrics) – Hymn

Download Breathe On Me Breathe On God Mp3 Hymn by Christian Hymns

Here’s a beautiful Hymn by the well-known prolific hymn writer, as this Hymn has been a blessing to lots of lives since it was brought to the world. The hymn song was performed by Rosemary Siemens.

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Lyrics: Breathe On Me Breathe On God ()

Breathe on me, Breath of God,
fill me with life anew,
that I may love the way you love,
and do what you would do.

Breathe on me, Breath of God,
until my heart is pure,
until my will is one with yours,
to do and to endure.

Breathe on me, Breath of God,
so shall I never die,
but live with you the perfect life
for all eternity.

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