Top Christian Songs Brooklyn Tabernacle Choir – Thou, Oh Lord lyrics (Mp3 & Lyrics)

Brooklyn Tabernacle Choir – Thou, Oh Lord lyrics (Mp3 & Lyrics)

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The well-known international Christian choir performs a song titled โ€œThou, Oh Lordโ€ on stage, a song that triggers blessing & grace sung by โ€œTheย Brooklyn Tabernacle Choirโ€.

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Lyrics: Thou, Oh Lord by

Many are they increased that troubled me
Many are they that rise up against me
Many there be which say of my soul
There is no help for him in God

But Thou, oh Lord are a shield for me
My glory and the lifter of my head
Thou, oh Lord are a shield for me
My glory and the lifter of my head

I cried unto the Lord with my voice
And he heard me out of His holy hill
I laid me down and slept and awaked
For the Lord sustained, for he sustained me

Thou, oh Lord are a shield for me
My glory and the lifter of my head
Thou, oh Lord are a shield for me
My glory and the lifter of my head

Repeat Twice
For Thou, oh Lord are a shield for me
My glory and the lifter of my head
Of my head
My head


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