Gospel Global Bucy Radebe – Ke Tla Sejara Sefapano (Medley)

Bucy Radebe – Ke Tla Sejara Sefapano (Medley)

Bucy Radebe Ke Tla Sejara Sefapano

Download Ke Tla Sejara Sefapano Mp3 by Bucy Radebe

A soul-lifting song from the African Christian/Gospel worshipper, minister, and song writerย โ€œBucy Radebeโ€œ, as she calls this song โ€œKe Tla Sejara Sefapanoโ€. This song is sure to bless your heart and uplift your spirit.

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Lyrics: Ke Tla Sejara Sefapano by Bucy Radebe

Song 1: Ke Tla Se Jara Sefapano (I Shall Carry the Cross)
(Sung in Sotho)

Ke tla sejara sefapano se (I shall carry the cross)
Mo mahetleng aka (On my shoulders) (Repeat)
Ke tla se jara, ke se jare! (I shall carry and carry it)
Mo mahetleng aka (On my shoulders) (Repeat)

Mo mahetleng, Mo mahetleng aka (On my shoulders) x?

(From the top)

Song 2: Akahlulwa lutho (Nothing can defeat Him)
Akahlulwa lutho Jesu (There is nothing that can defeat Jesus)
Akahlulwa lutho (Nothing can defeat Him) (Repeat)

UJesu Akahluleki (Jesus does not fail)
Unamandla (He has the Power)

Ngenze Bawo, Ngenze Bawo (Father Help me, Father Help me)
Ngikusebenzele (To do Your work)
Ngisesโ€™emhlabeni (While Iโ€™m still on earth) (Repeat)

Song 3: Ithuba Lokuthandaza (A Moment to Pray)
Ithuba lokuthandaza, sinalo (We have a moment to pray)
Sinalo, sinalo (We have it, we have it)
Ithuba lokuthandaza (A moment to pray) (Repeat)


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