Download I Need Thee Every Hour Mp3 by BYU Vocal Point
Here’s a song from the Global urban contemporary gospel group “BYU Vocal Point“. This powerful music team is a nine-member, male a cappella group at Brigham Young University (BYN) that was founded by two students, Bob Ahlander & Dave Boyce, in 1991,. This song is titled “I Need Thee Every Hour”. You’ll be blessed.
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Lyrics: I Need Thee Every Hour by BYU Vocal Point
I need thee ev’ry hour
Most gracious Lord
No tender voice like thine
Can peace afford
I need thee, oh, I need thee;
Ev’ry hour I need thee!
Oh, bless me now, my Savior;
I come to thee!
I need thee ev’ry hour;
Stay thou nearby
Temptations lose their pow’r
When thou art nigh
I need thee ev’ry hour
In joy or pain
Come quickly and abide
Or life is vain
I need thee ev’ry hour
Most holy One
Oh, make me thine indeed
Thou blessed Son!