Top Christian Songs Cece Winans โ€“ One And The Same

Cece Winans โ€“ One And The Same

Cece Winans One And The Same 5

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The legendary songstress โ€œโ€ performs the song โ€œOne And The Sameโ€ live. God loves His children as has done so much for us as a believer, forgives our sing even when we never ask for forgiveness. He is good.

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One And The Same

Lyrics: One And The Same by

How shall I begin to speak about a God
That I will never comprehend?
So high and mighty and yet, closer than a friend
The beginning and the end

The mystery of His holiness
The wonder of His humanness are one

One and the same
I canโ€™t do Him justice with any one name
The holy God of Heaven and the humble man who bore my shame
Are one, one and the same

I scarcely understand how a simple servant
Can be called the great I am
How the Son of God is still the Son of man
Both the Shepard and the Lamb

The healer and the wounded
Father and the only Son are one

One and the same
I canโ€™t do Him justice with any one name
The Holy God of Heaven and the humble man who bore
Who bore my shame are one, one and the same

The way that we can come to know
The truth that sets us free, yeah
The life that died, God rose again
Love revealed

You are one and, one and the same
I just canโ€™t do it with any one name
Oh, Holy God of Heaven and the humble man who bore my shame
Are one, one and the same
Are one, one and the same

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