Gospel Global Celtic Woman – Mo Ghile Mear

Celtic Woman – Mo Ghile Mear

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Here’s a song by the Global prolific music artist and talented singer ““. This song is titled “Mo Ghile Mear”, as it was released alongside its video. You’ll be blessed as you listen.

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Lyrics: Mo Ghile Mear by

‘Sé mo laoch mo ghile mear
Bonnie boy, ghile mear
You will be my gallant star
Oh heys to me mo ghile mear

In this land, this land unfree
Ooh who will fein to unchain me
My children keyed in vain for thee
To break my chains for liberty

‘Sé mo laoch mo ghile mear
Bonnie boy, ghile mear
You will be my gallant star
Oh heys to me mo ghile mear

Mountains high, and valleys low
The cuckoo sings of Saxon foe
‘Tis you must strike the mortal blow
Mo ghile mear, mo buachaill beo

‘Sé mo laoch mo ghile mear
Bonnie boy, ghile mear
You will be my gallant star
Oh heys to me mo ghile mear

So come my love to battle come
To this fair land so weary sung
Let harp and song the valleys hum
And sound the sound of freedom’s drum

‘Sé mo laoch mo ghile mear
Bonnie boy, ghile mear
You will be my gallant star
Oh heys to me mo ghile mear

‘Sé mo laoch mo ghile mear
Bonnie boy, ghile mear
You will be my gallant star
Oh heys to me mo ghile mear

‘Sé mo laoch mo ghile mear
Bonnie boy, ghile mear
You will be my gallant star
Oh heys to me mo ghile mear

You will be my gallant star
Oh heys to me mo ghile mear

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