Download Time Of Our Lives Mp3 by Chawki
Here’s a song by the Global prolific music artist and talented singer “Chawki“. This song is titled “Time Of Our Lives”, as it was released alongside its video. You’ll be blessed as you listen.
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Lyrics: Time Of Our Lives by Chawki
[Chorus x4]
Allez, allez, here we go, allez
This is the time of our lives
[Verse 1]
Amazing! Can this be real?
It’s like I’m living the dream
But it’s how everyone feels
We celebrate with one theme
So let’s wave our hands
We can sing, we can dance
I don’t want this to end
Feels so good, feels so real
[Chorus x4]
[Verse 2]
I love this moment right now
No one can take it away
So let it happen then how
It’s what I cherish each day
[Chorus x4]
[Verse 3]
Allez allez, [?] we see, allez allez, destiny
Allez allez, realize now we know the greatest
Oooh, oooh, oooh, oooh
Oooh, oooh, oooh, oooh
Oooh, oooh, oooh, oooh
Oooh (Oh, yeah, yeah!)
Oooh, oooh, oooh
Allez, allez (allez, allez), here we go, allez
This is the time of our lives
(The time of our lives)
Allez, allez, here we go, allez
This is the time of our lives