Gospel Global Community Music – Worthy Is Your Name (Exalted)

Community Music – Worthy Is Your Name (Exalted)

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The renowned team that exists to give a voice to the local church, inspiring a new generation to worship in Spirit and in truth “” comes through with a song that would lift your soul, They title this one “Worthy Is Your Name“.

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Lyrics: Worthy Is Your Name by

[Verse 1]
Before You spoke Creation
You knew me and You called me Yours
My hope and my redemption
With every breath I find Your love

Oh how majestic You reign
The heavens roar the earth proclaim

Jesus Jesus
Jesus worthy is Your name
[Verse 2]
With every glimpse of glory
My pride is falling on its knees
My heart is filled with wonder
Surrounded by Your majesty

Exalted forever
None greater none higher
On earth as in heaven
Worthy is Your name
All blessing and honor
All glory and power
A King like no other
Worthy is Your name

Worthy worthy
Worthy is Your name
Holy holy
Holy is Your name

Worthy worthy
Worthy is Your name
Holy holy
Holy is Your name

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