Gospel Music Foreign and International Gospel Songs DOWNLOAD MUSIC: Cory & Anna Asbury – Where I Belong

DOWNLOAD MUSIC: Cory & Anna Asbury – Where I Belong

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The award-winning singer and songwriter of Bethel MusicCORY ASBURY‘ release a song in collaboration with who is His wife, as they both fill the atmosphere with their powerful song of worship.

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Video: Where I Belong by

Where I Belong Lyrics by Cory &

Your presence is all I’m longing for
Here in the secret place
Your nearness is all I’m waiting for
Here in the quiet place
Here in the secret place

My soul waits for you alone
Just like the watchmen wait for dawn
And here I’ve finally found the place
Where we’ll meet, Lord, face to face

I’ve finally found where I belong
I’ve finally found where I belong, in your presence
I’ve finally found where I belong, Lord
To be with you, to be with you

I am my Beloved’s and He is mine
So come into your garden and take delight in me
Take delight in me

I am my Beloved’s and He is mine
So come into your garden and take delight in me, Lord
Take delight in me

Delight in me, delight in me
Delight in me, delight in me

Here in Your presence, God, I find my rest
Here in Your presence, God

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