Gospel Global Crossroads Music – I Will Remember

Crossroads Music – I Will Remember

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song brought to the community by the beautiful team, . This song is titled โ€œI Will Rememberโ€ and is sure to bless your heart and uplift your spirit as you listen.

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Lyrics: I Will Remember by Crossroad Music

1 Verse:
In the morning when I wake up
I will remember I will remember
All the ways that You are faithful
How you deliver how you deliver

Be not downcast O my soul
Where there’s breath there is hope
Lift your eyes and praise the Lord
In his presence be restored
Oh Praise the lord
Let everything insidะต us rise up
Praise the lord o my soul
Now and forะตver I will remember you

2 Verse:
Through the storm and the darkness
Waves crashing over waves crashing over
You are always right here with me
Pulling me closer pulling me closer

Be not downcast O my soul
Where there’s breath there is hope
Lift your eyes and praise the Lord
In his presence be restored

Chorus: x2
Oh Praise the lord
Let everything inside us rise up
Praise the lord o my soul
Now and forever I will remember you

Be not downcast O my soul
Where there’s breath there is hope
Lift your eyes and praise the Lord
In his presence be restored

1 Bridge:
Sorrow may last for a night
But joy comes in the morning
(Joy comes in the morning)
Sorrow may last for a night
But joy comes in the morning
(Joy comes in the morning)

2 Bridge:
Darkness can’t stay for too long
โ€˜Cause here comes the dawn
(Here comes the dawn)
Sorrow may last for a night
But joy comes in the morning

Chorus: x2
Oh Praise the lord
Let everything inside us rise up
Praise the lord o my soul
Now and forever I will remember you


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