Gospel Music Foreign and International Gospel Songs Dante Bowe – Family Tree

Dante Bowe – Family Tree

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A renowned worship ministration song by the prolific Christian music singer, songwriter, and instrumentalist โ€œDante Boweโ€œ births out this song and video titled โ€œFamily Treeโ€œ. It’s a tune from his 2021 album titled โ€œCIRCLESโ€ blessing lives and still doing well.

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Lyrics: Family Tree by

[Verse 1]
Momma, you’ll be so Proud of me
Look how Far we’ve come
Never once did you not Believe
You knew it all Along

[Verse 2]
Daddy, you made a Man of me
I am my Father’s Son
The Right, the Wrongs,
The In-between’s
Help me know for Sure

[Pre โ€“ Chorus]
Things do get Better
And they lied, they lied, they lied
When they said it don’t
Things do get Better
And they lied, they lied, they lied
When they said it won’t
God in Heaven knows

Where there’s dark,
There’s Light
Where there’s wrong,
There’s Right
Oh I know that things get Better
For the lows, there’s Highs
For the blind, there’s Sight
Oh I know that things get Better

[Verse 3]
Brother, Brother
Can you Believe
Back when were Young,
This was only but a Dream
Now, we’ve just Begun

[Verse 4]
Boy, I wish Papa could See
The Person I’ve become
I’m Standing on the Family Tree
I Hope he Hears this Song

[Pre โ€“ Chorus]
Things do get Better
And they lied, they lied, they lied
When they said it don’t
Things do get Better
And they lied, they lied, they lied
When they said it won’t
Now we know for Sure

Where there’s dark,
There’s Light
Where there’s wrong,
There’s Right
Oh I know that things get Better
For the lows, there’s Highs
For the blind, there’s Sight
Oh I know that things get Better

Oh, oh, oh, oh Oh, oh, oh, oh
I know that it gets Better
Oh, oh, oh, oh Oh, oh, oh, oh
Oh, whoa, yeah, yeah
Get Better, I know it gets Better
I know it gets Better
Better, better, better, better, better

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