Gospel Music Foreign and International Gospel Songs Dante Bowe – How Did You Find Me?

Dante Bowe – How Did You Find Me?

Dante Bowe How Did You Find Me

Download How Did You Find Me? Mp3 byย Dante Bowe

A powerful worship ministration song directly from theย Son Of A Fatherย album by the prolificย Christian musicย singer, songwriter, and instrumentalist โ€œDante Boweโ€œ births out this songย titled โ€œHow Did You Find Me?โ€œ. It’s a tune that has been blessing lives and still doing well.

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Lyrics: How Did You Find Me? byย Dante Bowe

How did You find me?
I mean, I was the perfect hider
I made my bed in the shadows
The darkness, my best friend
I never made a peep
I covered my tracks
I burned every piece of evidence
No fingerprints, no DNA, no trace
So how did I get here?
Naked and exposed
My hands bound by stocks
My head facing the ridicule of the public
I did not ask for this
I did not fill out a permission slip to take a trip to the village of pะตrsecution
But for some reason
I’m not ashamะตd
I have no fear
I couldn’t care less

How could this be?
In the midst of all this where inside of me is this river of serenity coming from?
It’s almost as though I found freedom the very second I became bound by the wooden framework of the world
Judgement comes, pain from head to toe
Yet peace abides
I don’t understand
I’ll never understand
Maybe I was never meant to
One undeniable truth remains
It was You
The Man that found me
That pulled me out of my isolation, my [?] in the night
You showed me the comfort I found was a lie
You showed me how to tear down my walls and live carefree as a child
You held my hand through the persecution
You were the eye in every storm
It was You
It was always You
So I take this undeserved peace
Put it in my pocket for safe keeping
And only one feasible option remains
100% of everything that makes me belongs to You
Every atom, every molecule, every breath
Every emotion, action, song
Every fiber of my being is Yours
I owe You
You died for me, right?
The very least I can do is liver for You
My Hero, my Shepherd, my Father
So I take my life that You deserve credit for
Box it up, wrap it as the perfect Christmas present
Top it off with a sparkly ribbon
And gently place it at Your feet
That I should please
I’m Yours

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