Gospel Music Foreign and International Gospel Songs David Funk – Jesus At The Center

David Funk – Jesus At The Center

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Here’s a song from the Bethel Music minister, instrumentalist, and prolific songwriter โ€œDavid Funkโ€œ, as He performs a song of worship which He titled โ€œJesus At The Center. This song was powered by theย Bethel Church.

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Lyrics: Jesus At The Center by Dare David

Jesus be the center of it all
Jesus be the center of it all
From beginning to the end
It will always be, it’s always been You, Jesus
Oh, Jesus

Nothing else matters
Nothing in this world will do
Jesus You’re the center
And everything revolves around You
Jesus, You
At the center of it all

From my heart to the Heavens
Jesus be the center
It’s all about You
Yes it’s all about You

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