Download I Am Yours Mp3 by Deborah Lukalu
One of South African’s most loved female gospel music ministers and powerful praise singers releases a new song alongside its visuals, Deborah Lukalu titles this song “I Am Yours“.
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Lyrics: I Am Yours by Deborah Lukalu
Break Me, Mould me
Fill me, use me
This is my desire
Lord, Break Me, Mould me
Fill me, use me
This is my desire
Here I am, with lifted hands
I am yours, Lord I am yours
It’s my desire to be like you
I am yours, I am yours
Break Me, Mould me
Fill me, use me
This is my desire
Lord, Break Me, Mould me
Fill me, use me
This is my desire, Lord
{Nie mi Lord
Kibagah mi selah
Ki zanga pe zulu
Nibo wah koh, oh
Ispui sosam,
Ukhu fananah weh eh
Nimo wakoh, oh} [x2]
{Me voici
Les mains lèves
Suis a toi
Je suis a toi
C’est mon désir d’être comme toi
Suis a toi} [x2]
Suis a toi
I’m yours, I am yours
Lord, I am yours
Yeh, yeh, yeh …
That is why we say
Yes I am, yes I am
Yes I am, yes I am
Yess I am, yes I am
Yes I am, yes I am
Yes I am, yes I am
I belong to you God
Yes I am, yes I am
{I am yours
(I am yours, urs, urs, urs)
Lord, I am yours
(I am yours, urs, urs, urs)
Yes I am …
Oh, oh, oh, oh
(Oh, oh, oh, oh)
Ooh Lord, I’m yours
(Oh Lord, I’m yours urs, urs) } [x2]