Gospel Music Ghana Gospel Songs Diana Hamilton – Work in Progress

Diana Hamilton – Work in Progress

Work in Progress Diana Hamilton

Download Work in Progress Mp3 byย Diana Hamilton

Theย Ghanianย gospel music minister & worship leader โ€œDiana Hamiltonโ€ her recently releasedย song.ย This is a soul-lifting song for everyone who needs to know GOD better titled โ€œWork in Progressโ€œ. You’ll be blessed.

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Lyrics: Work in Progress byย Diana Hamilton

Wohwษ› anisoษ” Nyame hwษ› akoma mu
(You perceive the physical, But God sees the heart)
You wrote me off but God called me in
I maybe down nso nyษ› sei yi a na m’ayษ› (But I won’t be there forever)
Menim Nyame a magye no adi (I know the Lord whom I have believed in)
ฦ†ka me ho yi me nsuro dษ”m, ha (Because He’s on my side, I shall not fear)
ฦ†di m’akyi (He’s got my back) I’m bound to win
Nti hwษ› na hwษ› me biom (Witness my current state)
โ€˜Cause I’m work in progress

Refrain 1:
ฦ†yษ› me ho adwuma wษ” hohom mu (He’s at work in me spiritually)
ฦ†bษ›yษ› me ho adwuma wษ” nokware mu (He’s at work in me in truth)
Menim Nyame a magye no adi nti (Since I know the God I believe in)
M’awieyษ› bษ›yษ› kษ›se paa (My future will be great indeed)

Refrain 2:
Nhwษ› me ho mbu me abonfia (Do not despise my current state)
Mfa me premprem tebea n’carry me (My current state does not predict my future)
Na sษ› ma hyษ›aseษ› yษ› ketoa bi mpo a (Though my beginnings may be humble)

Nyame nsam hyira na ma nipa yษ› ษ”defo (God’s blessings enriches the man)
ฦ†brษ› adwuma mfa bi nka ho (Hard work adds no value)
ฦ†soro hyira wo a na w’ahyira wo (When You are blessed by the heavens)
Nipa biara ntumi nsei no (No one can prevail against you)
ฦ†kyena asem Nyame nkoa na nim (Only the Lord knows about tomorrow)
Me de me ho atwere no pampee (I will depend on Him only)
Me ngyae ne mu da (I will never depart from His Presence)
Wopษ› me bษ”ne a ษ”bษ›bษ” wo (Ill wishes will return to you) back to sender
Nea ษ”te me mu no ne me kyitaifoษ” no (The one in me is greater than all)
ฦ†yษ› dษ”m sene wo oo x2 (He is the Lord of Hosts)
ฦ†ka me ho yi me nsuro dษ”m (As He is on my side, I shall not fear)
ฦ†di m’akyi (He has my back) I’m bound to win

(Refrain 1 + 2)

(From the top)

Greater is he that lives in me

(Refrain 2)

Nea ษ”te me mu no ne me kyitaifoษ” no (The one in me is greater than all)
ฦ†yษ› dษ”m sene wo oo x2 (He is the Lord of Hosts)
ฦ†ka me ho yi me nsuro dษ”m (As He is on my side, I shall not fear)
ฦ†di m’akyi (He has my back) I’m bound to win

(Refrain 1 + 2)

(Verse 2)

(Refrain 1 + 2)


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