Gospel Music Foreign and International Gospel Songs Dorinda Clark-Cole – Nobody But God (Mp3 + Lyrics)

Dorinda Clark-Cole – Nobody But God (Mp3 + Lyrics)

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Here’s a powerful song from the American gospel singer, songwriter, talk show host, and evangelist whose worship and praise songs have always blessed lives. Dorinda Grace Clark–Cole titles this song “Nobody But God“.

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Dorinda Clark Cole - Nobody but God

Nobody But God Lyrics by

Have you been there where every thing seems to go wrong?
Nothing you did seemed to work out, ’cause you tried to do it on your own
Friends and family didn’t understand that all things works in God’s plan

So I’ve learned to trust in God
To step right in and work it out
Nobody did this but God

There’s somebody here that needs healing in your life;
You’ve been torn, wounded, and broken, nothing seems to mend this plight
Praying and trusting that a miracle can happen to me

But I’ve learned to trust in God
To step right in and work it out
Nobody did this but God

God still works miracles, God made a way
God still works miracles and He’s done just what He said

Oh, God still works miracles, God made a way
God still works miracles

I know He can
I know He will if I trust in Him, stand on His word

He’s never failed
He never will if I trust in Him

God did it, God did it
He’s done just what He said

Nobody did this but God

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