Victoria Orenze, who is a Nigerian anointed spirit-filled gospel singer and amazing worshiper performs live on this one.
Victoria has collaborated with a lot of other gospel singers and still doing better in the Gospel Music Industry. Check out the soul-lifting live ministration below and worship along.
Comment:i celebrate the grace opon her but my word for her is that she should associate with God alone were by she should not associate with those who will turn her ministry to something else. And i pray for her,every plans of the devil against her by the grace i represent i make a decree according to the word of GOD in isaiah 7:7 it shall not stand nither shall it come to pass in thy mame of jesus amen
Comment:her songs are spiritual because
1 she sing from inside of her spirit
2 she is spiritual.
ye that worship the father must worship him in truth and in spirit,for the father seeketh such to worship him