Gospel Music Foreign and International Gospel Songs DOWNLOAD: Fox And Foal – Give It All (Mp3 & Lyrics)

DOWNLOAD: Fox And Foal – Give It All (Mp3 & Lyrics)

A song by “Fox And Foal”, an American contemporary Christian music team, This song is titled “GIVE IT ALL”, Stay blessed as You listen today.

Lyrics of “Give It All’ by

You are where my hope lives You are where I fix my eyes
Even in the darkness I find Your light
Even when the storms fall even when the rains come down
You will be my anchor my solid ground

Give me the peace I need to find You in my misbelief
Give me the strength I need to sing

I give it all to You surrender all of me
I lay down my life cause in Your name there’s victory
I give it all to You every breath I breathe
You are my desire so come and set a fire in me
Set a fire in me

You are giving life to every dead a broken thing
You are calling me to sing of Your grace
When I lay my life down I will find my joy in You
You are ever faithful and always true

I don’t wanna hold back I don’t wanna hold back
I don’t wanna hold back anymore
I don’t wanna hold back I don’t wanna hold back
I don’t wanna hold back anymore


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