Gospel Music Nigerian Gospel Songs DOWNLOAD MUSIC: Fisayomi – Awesome God (Erujeje)

DOWNLOAD MUSIC: Fisayomi – Awesome God (Erujeje)

Fisayomi (Abiodun Oni) is an anointed songstress who has the vision to transform lives with Her divinely inspired songs and melodies. She started singing at a very tender age and has served through her music ministry on different platforms such as: “A Choir Leader”, “Music Director”, and many others.

The song is her debut single, the song was produced by “Alagbara Music Lab“.

Download Mp3, Stream, Share and remain blessed.

Lyrics of “AWESOME GOD” by

[Verse 1]
The Heavens roar at the sound of your voice
And the earth shaketh to the deep

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Ta lo le sakawe titobi re? (Who can describe your Greatness)?
Talole so ti agbara re? (Who can explain your power?)
You reigneth in majesty 3x
Eyin ni Olorun wa o (You are our God)

Oun joba ni ki ki ola (He reigneth in majesty)
Ola ola nla lowo ni aso (Gloriously robed in great honour)
Gbogbo aye wole wo n juba re (The whole earth bow and worship you)
Awesome God you are

Call: Awesome God you are
Response: Awesome God you are.

[Verse 2]
He that blanketeth the earth with Oceans
And covered the mountains with waters
Talole sakawe titobi re (Who can describe your Greatness)

Ta lo le so ti agbara re (Who can explain your power?)
You reigneth in majesty3x

Oun joba ni ki ki ola (He reigneth in majesty)
Ola ola nla lowo ni aso (Gloriously robed in great honour)
Gbogbo aye wole wo n juba re (The whole earth bow and worship you)
Awesome God you are

Mowa riri niwaju Erujeje
(I tremble before the Awesome God)

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