Gospel Music Nigerian Gospel Songs DOWNLOAD MUSIC: Frank Edwards – No Other Name (Mp3, Video, Lyrics)

DOWNLOAD MUSIC: Frank Edwards – No Other Name (Mp3, Video, Lyrics)

Knowing fully well that there’s no other Name to be compared as a Christian, Here’s an extremely impressive song from the renowned Gospel Music minister & songwriter “Frank Edwards“, who is also the CEO of the RockTown Studio. He births this song and titles it “NO OTHER NAME“, where this song talks about how powerful and mighty the name of the LORD is, as there is no other name to be compared to HIS.

Testimonies are bound in this song, Let it be a blessing to You today;

Stream & download the video below;

Lyrics of “No Other Name” by

[Verse 1]
Every other god’s
They are works of men
All other gods
They are man-made god
You will always God
They will always scatter
Jesus, Jesus, Jesus
There is no other name

Ah, ah, ah, ah
There is no other name
Ah, ah, ah, ah
There is no other name
Ah, ah, ah, ah
There is no other name

[Verse 2]
You are the Lord
And you never changed
Ever changed eh
With you am so secure
The Lion of the tribe of Judah
Aka neme nma Ley
Uzu n’akpu nwa nafor
Okaka … eh
Oke osisi nenye ndu eh

Jesus, Jesus, Jesus
There is no other name
Jesus, Jesus, Jesus
There is no other name

…. they are man made god
You are always God
Jesus, Jesus, Jesus
There is no other name
Jesus, Jesus, Jesus
There is no other name

Eey ….
Okwa gi N’eburum Ibu’ah
Chinekem eh …
Oka gi N’agba ekwensu
Ose N’anya
You’re the most high God

Download Mp3 Audio, Stream, Share & be blessed always.

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