Top Christian Songs DOWNLOAD MUSIC: Josh Baldwin – Let the Redeemed (Bethel)

DOWNLOAD MUSIC: Josh Baldwin – Let the Redeemed (Bethel)

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Here’s a song from the contemporary gospel music minister & song-writer “Josh Baldwin” of , This song was performed live. The song if from His “LIVE AT CHURCH” album. The singer & instrumentalist talks about the Power of our Lord God.

The song was written by Bobby Strand, Ethan Hulse, , Kalley Heiligenthal

Verse 1
He led me out of the desert
Brought me into His streams
River of living water
Turned my bitter into sweet
And all my burdens are lifted
You took the shackles off my feet

Pre Chorus
There’s no sound louder than a captive set free

So let the redeemed of the Lord say so
Sing of His promises ever more
Pour out your thankfulness, let it overflow
Let the redeemed of the Lord say so

Verse 2
There is joy in the morning
Springing up in my soul
There is life worth living
‘Cause He calls me His own
And there’s a hallelujah
After sweet victory

You are my Deliverer
The freedom I’m livin’ in
You are my Deliverer
You are my promised land
Oh You are my Deliverer
The freedom I’m livin’ in
God You are my Deliverer
You are my promised land

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