Gospel Music Foreign and International Gospel Songs DOWNLOAD MUSIC: Kurt Carr – God Blocked It

DOWNLOAD MUSIC: Kurt Carr – God Blocked It

Download In God Blocked It Mp3 by Kurt Carr

The American gospel music composer, legendary Christian artist and performer brings to us this song as it is titled “God Blocked It”. He also served as Minister of Music at The First Baptist Church of Hartford located at the time on Greenfield Street.

Stream/Watch official video below;


Lyrics of “God Blocked It” by

There were dangers awaiting me
Destruction was sure to be
But thank God for Angels
That were shielding and protecting
And looking out for me
Thank You Lord

The Devil had a plan to kill me, I know
But God intercepted his plan
And told the devil, no
God blocked it
He wouldn’t let it be so

Haven’t lived a perfect life
Seems I’ve done wrong more than I’ve done right
But thank God for compassion and forgiveness
That kept me from a terrible plight

You see, my life was spinning out of control
The fact that I’m still a live today
Ain’t nothing, nothing but a miracle

God blocked it
He wouldn’t let me fall
No, He wouldn’t let it be so

For I’ve got work to do
Work to do

God wouldn’t let me die
Because He knew I had work to do

Oh yes

And I’ve got life to live
There are blessings
He want’s to give
God blocked it,
He wouldn’t let me fall
No, He wouldn’t let it be so

God blocked it
He wouldn’t let it be so

It was the Lord
Nobody but Jesus

Download Mp3 song, Stream, Share and be blessed.


Download More KURT CARR Songs Here

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