Gospel Music Foreign and International Gospel Songs DOWNLOAD MUSIC: Moses Bliss – You I Live For

DOWNLOAD MUSIC: Moses Bliss – You I Live For

The song You’ve been searching for, or about to download is a song from one of Nigerian worship singers and great minister of God “” who is also the crooner of the song “TOO FAITHFUL”. This song is titled “YOU I LIVE FOR”, He features “The Loveworld Indomitable choir on this one.

Making a statement on His YouTube channel saying —

In this present time the world’s in, please watch and hear the Goodnews… God’s word remains the most potent force to destroy every forces and vices of the devil at any time… Hence this word came to me as I try to release the song:

Also he added a part of the sciptur that says “You Shall Serve The Lord Thy GOD, and He Shall Bless Your Bread”, the bible verse can be found here https://biblehub.com/exodus/23-25.htm also, https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Luke+21%3A11-13&version=KJV

Watch the live video below;

Get Song, Stream, Share, and remain blessed.


This song should surely inspire you and do a lot of changes in your life — God Bless You.



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