Gospel Music Foreign and International Gospel Songs DOWNLOAD MUSIC: William Murphy – Under My Feet (The Shout)

DOWNLOAD MUSIC: William Murphy – Under My Feet (The Shout)

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The eminent American gospel recording artist and pastor โ€œWilliam Henry Murphy IIIโ€ who started hisย musicย career in 2005, also an award-winning singer blesses us with a song, as He titles this one โ€œUnder My Feetโ€.

Let thisย audioย be a blessing to You today, Share & stay graced.

Stream & watch โ€œ Under My Feetโ€ video.

Lyrics of โ€œUnder My Feetโ€ by

Somebody shout Higher (Higher)
And because I’m going higher
What used to be on my back
Will you look at your neighbor

Tell’em what used to be on my back

Is now under my feet

It’s under my feet
It’s under my feet
It’s under my feet
It’s under my feet
It’s under my feet
It’s under my feet
It’s under my feet
It’s under my feet
It’s under my feet
It’s under my feet
It’s under my feet

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