Download Iba Mp3 by Ebenezer Obey
Here’s a song by a Nigerian gospel and juju musician, Ebenezer Obey popularly known as Chief Commander whose song has been a blessing to lives. The song is titled “Iba“. He formed the juju band, the International Brothers, in 1964 and since then use his miliki style of music to bless lives and pass great information always.
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Lyrics: Iba by Ebenezer Obey
Crazy crazy world
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So we say a prayer
For this crazy crazy world
Through the distance sky are high
I can see a golden place
Where there’s not a care or pain
Hallelujah is all they say
So I grab my head and cry
For mercy drops to all on earth
May the struggles in my world
Find a respite in Yours above
Where the stars never to stop with me
Because I prayed for it to be yeah eh eh
So lovely song to be listening to