Motivation and Inspiration Eddy Kenzo – Leega

Eddy Kenzo – Leega

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Here’s a song by the African prolificย music artisteย and talented singer โ€œโ€œ. Thisย songย is titled โ€œLeegaโ€, as it was released alongside its video. You’ll surely enjoy this one.

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Lyrics: Leega by

Figara Figureliciuos
Ehh Eh
Booty la Bootyliciuos
Ehh Eh
Figara Figureliciuos
Ehh Eh
Booty la Bootyliciuos

Show Dem Show Dem
Bea Bea Bea Show Dem

Show Dem Show Dem
Bea Bea Bea Show Dem

Verse One:

Olina Figure ya ntulege Beibe
Kaali nga ddiba lya nswaswa weelage
Tekyetaaga kukuba bwangombe omuntu amanye
Buli alina amaaso Alaba


Kati baby leega
Le le le le le Leega Nyo
Wamma Leega
Mukama Yeeyaleeta

Baby leega
Le le le le le Leega Nyo
Wamma Leega
Maama yeyasiiga
Wulila endongo

Figara Figureliciuos
Booty la Bootyliciuos
Ehh Eh
Figara Figureliciuos
Oh oh

Verse Two:

Bagamba Weelaga ah aha ah Weelaga
Bagamba weelaga
Naye bakkirize tebaaffuna hmm
Atalina Kyalina
Ela tasobola kukilaga
Bwooba figure olina
Yambala onyume wenyige ebbala
Ffe abaliisa amaaso tuliise tulisee
Abamanyi okuwaana tuwaane Tuwaanee
Abamanyi okunyiiga banyiige banyiigee
Bafun’omunyanya beetuge, bafe

Wafuna ku nkola nkadde
Alinawo yeh y’omwaana alinawo
You got it from maama
Alinawo yeh y’omwaana alinawo
Wafuna ku nkola nkadde
Alinawo yeh y’omwaana alinawo
You got it from maama


Kati baby leega
Le le le le le Leega Nyo
Wamma Leega
Mukama Yeeyaleeta

Baby leega
Le le le le le Leega Nyo
Wamma Leega
Maama yeyasiiga
Wulila endongo

Figara Figureliciuos
Booty la Bootyliciuos
Ehh Eh
Figara Figureliciuos
Oh oh

(Heba) Show Dem Show Dem
Bea Bea Bea Show Dem

Show Dem Show Dem
Bea Bea Bea Show Dem

Alinawo yeh y’omwaana alinawo
Figara Figureliciuos
Y’omwaana alinawo
Booty la Bootyliciuos

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