Download Saltwater Gospel Mp3 by Eli Young Band, Jimmy Buffett
Here’s a song by the prolific music band of talented singers “Eli Young Band“. This song is titled “Saltwater Gospel” performed with Jimmy Buffett, as it was released alongside its video. You’ll be blessed as you listen.
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Lyrics: Saltwater Gospel by Eli Young Band
Every Sunday I see people filing in through those front doors
Got a cross up on that steeple, yeah, it’s time to praise the Lord
Some watch it on their TV, sitting on the couch
Me, I get in my old Bronco, and point those headlights out
Oh, ain’t got too many miles to go, to save my soul
Hey, I go down and sink my feet in the water
And I soak up that sun and I watch it set
Yeah, I can feel the power of the saltwater gospel
I’m as close to God as I can get
Now there ain’t nothing wrong with putting on your Sunday best
But me, I won’t be wearing nothin’ that I can’t get wet
I just think about how small I am, and life after we’re gone
I’m out here by myself, but I know I’m not alone
Yeah, I got all the proof I need, and it sure makes me believe
When I go down and sink my feet in the water
And I soak up that sun and I watch it set
Yeah, I can feel the power of the saltwater gospel
I’m as close to God as I can get
I’m in heaven watching all these waves roll in
When I’m lost, I know where to get found again
Yeah, I go down and sink my feet in the water
And I soak up that sun and I watch it set
Yeah, I can feel the power of the saltwater gospel
I’m as close to God as I can get
Yeah, I go down and sink my feet in the water
And I soak up that sun and I watch it set
Yeah, I can feel the power of the saltwater gospel
I’m as close to God as I can get